The Model

Working Genius is the fastest and simplest way to discover your gifts and transform your work. Find out more today.

The 6 Types of Working Genius

Discover your Gifts.

Transform your life. work. team.

Introducing the Working Genius model, a groundbreaking approach designed to unlock individuals’ inherent talents and enable them to flourish both professionally and personally.

By gaining insight into the specific types of tasks that invigorate and fulfill them, as well as steering clear of those that evoke annoyance and defeat, individuals can cultivate heightened self-awareness, amplified productivity, and increased success.

With the 6 types of Working Genius, discovering one’s true potential becomes a transformative journey.

5 Reasons why leaders should care about Working Genius
  1. Understand where you find energy in work
  2. Retain current employees
  3. Hire new employees for work they’ll enjoy
  4. Assign complementary teams to projects
  5. Improve employee development

Working Genius

What is the Working Genius Model?

The 6 types of Working Genius is a new model that helps people discover their natural gifts and thrive in their work and life. When people are able to better understand the types of work that bring them more energy and fulfillment and avoid work that leads to frustration and failure, they can be more self-aware, more productive and more successful.

Working Genius identifies the six fundamental activities that are required for any type of work and provides a simple framework for how work gets done. Too many people feel frustrated, underutilized or misunderstood at work. Far too many teams experience failure, feel stuck or are confused because they don’t know how to tap into the people around them. Working Genius is changing the way people are thinking about their work and teams, and is leading to more dignified, fulfilled and successful work.

How will attending a workshop or working with a Certified Working Genus Facilitator help me or my team?

Working with a Certified Facilitator can transform work for people by helping them:

  • Understand why they have been successful or unsuccessful in past endeavors
  • Clarify which types of work give joy and energy and which types are draining and difficult
  • Avoid making unfair and inaccurate judgments about one another’s motivation
  • Alleviate guilt about struggles people have with certain types of work
  • Improve dialogue and directives in team meetings
  • Make quick and concrete adjustments to roles and responsibilities to better tap into one another’s strengths, and avoid one another’s weaknesses
  • Get more done in less time

Larry Collett is a Certified Working Genius Facilitator and would be happy to talk with you about whether this is the right time to bring your Leadership Team through a Working Genius team facilitation. Additionally, if it makes sense for you, we can stay to help you realize the benefits of optimizing your organization around the Working Genius model.

Download the Working Genius overview and Contact Us today to learn more about how the Working Genius can help your team!

A Better Way to Understand Your Gifts, Your Frustrations, and Your Team

Get the Book.

In Pat’s latest fable, Bull Brooks discovers his Working Geniuses, sheds guilt about his frustrations, and embraces the type of work that brings him joy and fulfillment.

Attend a Workshop

Learn about The 6 Types of Working Genius and unleash your genius.

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Discover what miracles the Working Genius can work for you.